Tuesday 23 August 2016

[1]Ebook  containing 36   FAT   BURNING   POTENT   FOODS     
1.    Do You Want to Burn Fat Twice As Fast?
2.    Burn fat two times faster... or more... using this ‘Doctor created system’ that literally
3.    retrains your muscles to borrow up to 278% more calorie burning energy from your body
There is  video   to  watch.
4.    How to Manifest the Body You Desire (Scientifically Proven Method!)
5.    Sit back and enjoy these scientifically proven subliminal messages health & fitness videos
6.    and instantly get the benefits of working out without working o
7.    Are You Ready For The 1,000 Calorie Challenge?
8.    Discover how you can burn more than 1,000 calories every workout, diet only three days
9.    each week, and consistently melt away up to five pounds of pure fat every 7 day
10. Do You Know this 5 Second Colon Cleansing Secret?
11. This amazing secret discovered by an indian farmer eliminates almost all constipation, IBS
12. and instantly get the benefits of working out without working out!

[2]Ebook   containing LOSSING   WEIGHT    QUICKLY   BY    STOP  WATCH   METHODS

   A new way that people are starting to lose weight is known
as the stop watch method. The general rule of thumb with
this method is to remember that you typically only have
food cravings approximately every eight to fourteen
minutes. Based on this fact, you can do a better job of not
giving in to cravings.
If you can get past your food cravings and choose either a
healthy snack or a glass of water over a cookie, then you're
on your way to losing weight.
Understanding How Your Body Works and How
Cravings Affect You!
Understanding how your body works and how cravings affect
you will help to shed light on how this particular weight loss
method works. Listening to your body and understanding
when and why you're hungry will help you to resist
temptation and opt for healthier choices. Having something
healthy with you at all times is especially important.
Since your body does tell you when it's hungry, it is much
better to satisfy it with a light and healthy snack. This option
will help you feel full, kick start your metabolism, and assist
you with resisting temptation.

[3]Ebook  containing TOP  10   WEIGHT    LOSS   MYTHS

Weight loss myths are everywhere you look and they can be
detrimental to your health as well as the goals you have set
for yourself.
It is necessary to take the ideas you have about losing
weight and turn them on their side. Put your knowledge to
the test. Don't fall victim to information that is hazardous to
your health.
The sad truth is that Americans are getting heavier all of the
time. This is as true of adults as it is of the youth of today.
As well, those who are already heavy are getting even
According to a CDC National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, the number of obese adults has
doubled in the past 30 years. It has gone from 15 percent in
the late 1970s to an estimated 31 percent today. This is
How many Americans can be defined as being overweight or
Approximately 64 percent of Americans weigh far too much.
This works out to be 129.6 million people. According to the
2001 Surgeon General's Call to Action on Prevent and
Decrease Overweight and Obesity, the direct and indirect
costs of obesity to society at large, which takes into account
lost productivity at work and medical costs was estimated at
a national level to be $117 billion in the year 2000.
What can you do? Read on for the weight loss myths that
can sabotage your efforts


WHAT IT IS A three-phase plan that has been likened to the low-carbohydrate Atkins program
because during the first two weeks, South Beach eliminates most carbs, including bread, pasta,
potatoes, fruit and most dairy products. In PHASE 2, healthy carbs, including most fruits, whole
grains and dairy products are gradually reintroduced, but processed carbs such as bagels,
cookies, cornflakes, regular pasta and rice cakes remain on the list of foods to avoid or eat rarely.
Ditto for carrots, corn, bananas, raisins, pineapple, fruit juice and watermelon. This phase lasts
until the weight goal is reached. In Phase 3, adherents are urged to stick mostly with the same
foods as in PHASE 2. Agatston notes, however, that lapses are inevitable and dieters may need
to "switch back to PHASE 1 for a week or two" when they overindulge and regain weight.
PHILOSOPHY The program is based largely on reducing or eliminating foods with a high
glycemic index -- a measure of the rise in blood sugar after eating a particular food. The South
Beach Diet, Agatston writes, "corrects the way your body reacts to the very foods that made you
overweight," especially sugar.
Reality Check: "The glycemic index is interesting," notes Wadden, but there isn't enough
evidence to prove its effectiveness in weight loss. Adds Wing, "For weight loss, the bottom line
continues to be calories, not the glycemic index."
WHAT IT PROMISES Eight- to 13- pound loss in the first two weeks; about one to two
pounds per week after that. Belly fat is said to vanish first, though Agatston doesn't explain why.
HOW IT STACKS UP Calories aren't counted, but based on serving sizes and ingredients
provided in sample menus and recipes, intake in all phases runs about 1,200 to 1,400 calories
daily, provided that you eat reasonable portions. This calorie level should produce weight loss of
about a pound per week. Fat -- much of it healthful fat from salmon and olive oil -- provides 40
to 50 percent of calories, higher than the 30 percent or less targeted by low-fat diets and groups
such as the American Heart Association. According to the Healthy Eating Index, South Beach
PHASE 1 could fall short on fruit and grains for women and men, and may have too much
saturated fat, but it appears to hit the mark on milk, vegetables, meat, cholesterol and variety.
PHASE 2 may still skimp on grains and some dairy products and may have too much cholesterol
because of eggs. But for women especially, it appears to score well on vegetables, fruit, meat,
saturated fat, sodium and variety. Men may need more vegetables.
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUOTIENT Newspaper ads promise that exercise is not needed for
success on the South Beach Diet. The book offers just a half-page on physical activity, which
Wadden says is surprising given that Agatston is a cardiologist. "It's true that you don't have to
exercise to lose weight," Wadden says, "but it sure helps." And as Wadden notes, increased
physical activity is good for improving such other things as energy, sleep, mood and blood

                                                             Ekong   O.

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Ekong O.